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Don’t burn out me now

Oct 14, 2022 | Uncategorized | 0 comments

Don’t burn out me now

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Don’t Burnout Me Now

Burnout is a physical and or mental collapse caused by overwork or stress. It is a term to define a persistent feeling of disinterest, disdain, hopelessness, and fatigue in regards to your work life.

First of all, don’t be too judgemental and hard on yourself. You’re not alone. Rates of people with burnout are as high as 50% among medical residents and 85% among financial professionals. A 2013 ComPsych survey of more than 5,100 North American workers found that 62% felt high levels of stress, loss of control, and extreme fatigue. Research has also linked burnout to many negative physical and mental health outcomes, including: 

  • Depression, Anxiety
  • Fatigue
  • Insomnia
  • Sadness, anger or irritability
  • Alcohol or substance misuse
  • Coronary artery disease, hypertension
  • High blood pressure
  • Type 2 diabetes
  • Vulnerability to illnesses

Moreover, burnout has been shown to produce feelings of futility and alienation, undermine the quality of relationships, and diminish long-term career prospects.  Sometimes it’s not your attitude or habits that need to change—it’s your workload itself. The American Institute of Stress reports that workload is the number one cause of workplace stress, with 46% or respondents pointing to that issue.

Psychologist Christina Maslach, a professor at UC Berkeley, states that burnout consists of three distinct components:

Exhaustion: You’re wiped out emotionally, physically, or cognitively. Even rest or sleep don’t help you feel replenished.


Cynicism: You bring a sour attitude to the office each day. You aren’t engaged with your work, and you often feel irritated, short-tempered, and detached from your team.


Inefficacy: You feel like you can never keep up with the demands of the workplace, despite the fact that you know you were skilled at doing so in the past.

10 Different Ways To Deal With Burnout

During the past 12 months, would you say that you experienced:

  1. A lot of stress
  2. A moderate amount of stress
  3. Relatively little stress
  4. Almost no stress at all

How much effect has stress had on your health?

  1. A lot
  2. Some
  3. Hardly any
  4. None

Send me your responses on :

10 Different Ways To Deal With Burnout

Here are a few tactics to try.

  1. Identify What You Neglect
  2. Learn How To Mentally Detach From Your Work
  3. Reduce Workload While Increasing Kindness
  4. Practice The Art Of Doing Nothing
  5. Track How You’re Doing Over Time
  6. Rethink Stress
  7. Exercise
  8. Dietary Supplements
  9. Chinese Medicine and Quantic Energy Healing
  10. Reduce Trigger Substances or Technologies

1. Identify What You Neglect

It’s essential to replenish your physical and emotional energy, along with your capacity to focus, by prioritizing good sleep habits, nutrition, exercise, social connection, and practices that promote equanimity and well-being, like meditating, journaling, and enjoying nature. 

Give yourself a week to assess exactly how you’re spending your time. For each block of time, record what you’re doing, whom you’re with, how you feel (for example, on a scale of 1 to 10, where 1 equals angry or drained and 10 is joyful or energized), and how valuable the activity is. To do this effectively, you can use your diary or there are apps available as well. The diary I find very useful is this one:  It is crucial though that you, indeed, use it daily but the good news is that even 5 minutes are enough. 

This will help you find opportunities to limit your exposure to tasks, people, and situations that aren’t essential and put you in a negative mood; increase your investment in those that boost your energy; and make space for restful, positive time away from work.

You need to journal about the problem and your typical response that you’d like to adjust and socialize by talking it out with a friend over coffee. Journaling at least 5 minutes, making a point to focus on gratitude, helps recharge your mind and spirit. 

Change the story so you have control. Identifying the problem is the answer: I don’t put myself first. I don’t make work a priority. I don’t want to let other people talk me into spending money rather than saving. After that reframe the problem as it being solved and how you solved it. Put all that in writing because it’s the best way for your brain to absorb. 

Write a mission statement. People deal with stress better when they have a strong moral compass. This means knowing what you value in life and using that as a guidepost for all decision. By creating a mission statement people can begin to identify the underlying causes of behaviors, as well as what truly motivates them to change. “A mission statement becomes the North Star for people,” says Dr. Groppel. “It becomes how you make decisions, how you lead and how you create boundaries.” The habit is about creating a personal mission statement, or “defining the personal, moral and ethical guidelines within which you can most happily express and fulfill yourself,” Mr. Covey writes.  In case you want to lose weight, losing weight to look better is superficial. Is that really at the core of why you want to lose weight?”

You should ask yourself, “What happens if I don’t change? Why is losing weight important to me?” The resulting mission statement might be: “I want to be a role model for my children, an extraordinary parent who has the energy, health and stamina to support them in their dreams.”To get started on your personal mission statement, ask yourself the following questions used by the Corporate Athlete program:


■ How do you want to be remembered?

■ How do you want people to describe you?

■ Who do you want to be?

■ Who or what matters most to you?

■ What are your deepest values?

■ How would you define success in your life?

■ What makes your life really worth living?


Use your answers to craft a personal mission statement that reveals your ultimate purpose in life. Rather than listing a behavioral change, focus on a set of guiding principles that capture how you want to live your life. 


Some examples of mission statements include:

“I plan to spend more time doing things that I like to do.”

“I want to become more physically active and try new hobbies.”

“My mission is to incorporate a healthy balance of work and personal time.”

“I aspire to transform negative work-related situations and put energy into relationships with family and friends.”

2. Learn How To Mentally Detach From Your Work

You might exit the office, but constant connectivity makes it harder than ever to truly leave work behind. A reported 81% of U.S. employees check their work email outside of normal working hours. And, a Gallup study found that many employees are working well over 40 hours per week.                  

Find coaches and mentors who can help you identify and activate positive relationships and learning opportunities. Volunteering to advise others is another particularly effective way of breaking out of a negative cycle.

You need to learn how to be better about mentally detaching from your work when your day is done. Research shows that being able to do this on a consistent basis actually makes us more resilient in the face of stress, as well as more productive and engaged when we’re on the clock.


Organize your day differently 

Either adding an end-of-day routine or eliminating apps from your phone will do the trick. Cultivate meaningful outdoor activities alongside other people. For instance, spearfishing with friends and then grill your catch together, or share a beer after swimming in the harbor. Consider the collective ‘we’ versus ‘me.’”

Experts often say that a sense of community can start at the individual level — volunteering, performing acts of kindness and reaching out to family and friends.

3. Reduce workload while increasing kindness

Reduce your task list to something more reasonable. Explain to your boss that you’d like to either delegate some of those responsibilities or identify which ones should be prioritized when you’re unable to tackle them all. Dr. Schabram’s research suggests that small, deliberate acts of compassion toward yourself and others can help reduce feelings of burnout, whether it is short-term or chronic. If your burnout is primarily caused by exhaustion, try to carve out breaks in your schedule for self-care, like cooking a meal. Kira Schabram is an assistant professor of management in the Foster School of Business at the University of Washington published a study with a colleague at the beginning of 2021 suggesting that some people might reduce feelings of burnout after just five minutes of daily meditation. Energy creates custom made meditations with affirmations specific to achieve the full potential of our clients. Music therapy and aromatherapy can be very useful too. In the Energy Angel practice we use tuning forks over acupuncture points. 


One-off self-care may help in the short term, but a more effective strategy for chronic burnout is to incorporate it into your routine a few times a week. It’s easy to shortchange yourself, so pick something you look forward to doing — whether it’s a walk or a dip in a pool — and set reminders to treat yourself.

4. Practice The Art Of Doing Nothing

One of the best things you can do for that brain of yours is, well, nothing at all. That’s right—enjoy some dedicated quiet time when you can sit and focus on your breathing or, as The New York Times recommends, mindlessly gaze out a window. Doing nothing or even something as simple as having a cup of green tea, listening to your favourite music or taking your dog on a hike. This is a positive relaxing playlist I created on Spotify. Let me know if you like it : If you have some suggestions, send them.

5. Track How You’re Doing Over Time

Be more in tune with your emotional state. “It is much easier to prevent burnout than to fix it,” says Dr. Anhalt. “People should not wait until they’re completely exhausted to [practice] self-care.”

Set some time each week to track how you’re doing. You can use different smileys to track your progress. You could do this in a journal or even an app that’s specifically designed for tracking your mood.


6. Rethink Stress

Studies show that having a lot of stress in your life was not linked with premature death. But having a lot of stress in your life and believing it was taking a toll on your health increased risk of premature death by 43 percent.


Rethink the role of stress in your life. You’ll perform better interpreting stress in a positive way of talking and you’ll even be more confident. Smiled more and you will have a positive body language. Physiological indicators show that your body will manage the stress response better.


The Stanford psychologist Kelly McGonigal has been a champion of rethinking stress, noting that the right approach can make you smarter and stronger.  You can practice for everyday stress in similar ways, by putting yourself in challenging situations. The key is to push yourself out of your comfort zone. Here are some suggestions:

Run a half marathon

    Play chess

    Learn to dance

    Climb a mountain

    Sing karaoke

    Tell a story in front of a crowd

    Train a new sport

    Talk to a stranger 

    Learn a new skill


Not only will challenging experiences give you more confidence, but the repeated exposure to stressful situations can also change your body’s biological response to stress. Your stress hormones become less responsive, allowing you to better handle stress when it comes.


Dr. Dennis Charney, a psychiatrist and the dean of the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai in New York City, notes that programs like Outward Bound and basic military training are all designed to make people uncomfortable and build their skills so that they will be better able to handle stress later on.    


Rethink the influencing factor. Is it you or is it your boss? Are the job expectations clear? If you’re unclear about the degree of authority you have or what your supervisor or others expect from you, you’re not likely to feel comfortable at work!

Do you have a healthy social life ? If you feel isolated at work and in your personal life, you might feel more stressed.   



7. Exercise

It improves mood, relieves stress and makes you physically stronger. People who engaged in any exercise, even a small amount, reported improve mental health compared with people who never exercised. incorporate some weight training. Studies show that anaerobic or resistance exercises (working with weights) taxes muscles more than aerobic exercise like walking or running. The result is that weight training, done right, may produce more mood-boosting endorphins than cardio exercise. Exercises that stress the large muscles seem to have the biggest effect, like squats, leg presses, incline situps, military presses and bench presses.


Don’t go for a powerlifting record. The best weight training to manage stress consists of three moderate-weight sets of 10 repetitions with one minute of rest. The U.S. Army Research Institute of Environmental Medicine found in a small study that this 3-10-1 moderate weight strategy produced more endorphins than using heavier weights for five reps and a longer rest.


In a number of recent studies, volunteers who walked outdoors reported enjoying the activity more than those who walked indoors on a treadmill. Subsequent psychological tests showed outdoor exercisers scored significantly higher on measures of vitality, enthusiasm, pleasure and self-esteem and lower on tension, depression and fatigue.


A study last year of older adults found that those who exercised outside did so longer and more often than those working out indoors. The outdoor exercisers averaged about 30 minutes more exercise each week than those who walked or otherwise exercised indoors. 


A few small studies have found that people have lower blood levels of cortisol, a hormone related to stress, after exerting themselves outside as compared with inside. There’s speculation, too, that exposure to direct sunlight, known to affect mood, plays a role. 


In case you don’t manage to find time, set aside 5 minutes a day. I suggest you this app which I use. Check out “Fitify: Fitness, Home Workout”



8. Dietary supplements

Sometimes we are doing almost all right except we are not getting the nutrients we really need from the so-called healthy foods. Using my knowledge in Functional Medicine I reset the gut health with the VESA protocol. After that we analyze the specific lacks in the diet. 

Nowadays the soil is not so nutrient rich as before and we need dietary supplements to obtain the best amount of nutrients. Energy Angel will analyze your blood tests and prepare a strategy to make sure you absorb all the necessary nutrients for a healthy and happy state of body and mind.

A healthy food and nutrient intake is nothing without clean water. We are made mostly of water and that water the vibrating inside us in different patterns and frequencies depending on our mood. The way we take care of what we vibrate we should pay attention to the quality of water we consume. I find this purifying bottle amazing and very practical to have with you while you’re having that walk in the nature. The same can be said of the shower and cooking water. Paying attention to what you put on and in your body will make a huge difference in the quality of your life in the years to come.



9. Chinese medicine and quantic energy healing

Chinese herbs are available as a custom made tea and work wonders after a couple of weeks. Alternatively getting a massage or acupressure from your loved one helps. 

Lately less known forms of therapy are available, like the one offered by Energy Angel. One that is very practical in our busy world is quantic energy healing. It removes blockages and helps save time while having fast results. 15 minutes of speech free health assessment and 15 minutes of energy therapy delivered even at a distance is the ultimate fast fix in our hectic and stressful world. We are living in exciting times where we have access to resources and alternative technologies to use to our benefit, wherever we are. I have personally tried this device and profited from its benefits being able to recover from a stressful period of my life, before I was aware how to use my own vital energy, with no frills.

10. Reduce trigger substances or technologies

Reduce alcohol and caffeine which work against you in terms of energy leaving you more tired than before. On the other hand, reduce time spent on social media by socializing. 

Are you ready to turn your back to a possible burnout, for good?

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