+41765413308 energyangel@jassup.org

About Me

Who I am

My name is Jasmine. I acquired my Diploma from a private Swiss school where I
studied natural and western medicine. I am happy to be able to communicate with you in 8 languages and 2 dialects. I am fluent in English, italiano, Deutsch, francais, espanol, Português, сръбско-хърватски, български, dialett ticines, Zürcher Dialekt.


Passion for humans

I have curiosity to know people and their stories. As a kid grown in a doctor’s family, I have been fascinated by medicine very early on. I have been also fascinated by nature, physics and technology.

My love for nature explains my love for sports in the open like tennis, basketball, skiing, snowboarding, windsurfing, and beachvolley. I have only done volleyball seriously.

Been an avid traveller and enjoying food that has led me to visit Barcelona and become a fan or architecture and in particular of Gaudi. 

He in my opinion is like a Chinese doctor for urbanism.At that time I had no clue I would become a doctor let alone in Chinese medicine.

What attracted me to the world of Chinese Medicine is a very strong back pain and my innate curiosity to arrive to the root of a problem. That will to understand how and why something works.

What is fascinating now even after years is that Chinese Medicine has always a mysterious side and there is beauty in that.


The root cause

During my studies while I was looking to find a solution to personal problems with digestion, with which I struggled early in my life, I got attracted to functional medicine, which is what I call “a western version of Chinese medicine”. It is essential to know the reason of disease. The root cause. 

Since then, I have understood how important food is in diseases. I changed my own eating habits and was able to live a much better life.

This was a natural evolution being very disciplined, determined and open to new information.

At that time I was learning nutrition also from the Chinese point of view and I am able to help you improve your digestion too. Digestion and immunity are closely related and that is where I put big part of my focus.

I am highly motivated when a patient has tried everything with no improvement and then arrive to me. I like challenges and this profession offers many.

Insight into your unicity

My sceptic aproach in life has made me a weird student of Chinese medicine but my curiosity was helping me cross the bareers that could have stopped my evolution.

Even if I was an acupuncturist at the beginning, with a scientific approach, my personal life path has allowed me to evolve and pass this bareer.

Having had courses in numerology, seminars in tuina, energy medicine seminars, I have had the practical experience with the uniqueness of us human beings and our energy. I was able to feel the energy of others even if not visible. That is probably the most emotional aspect of my profession to me.

My being a piano player, music is very used during the treatment. Depending on your needs and preferences, we will use techniques and meditations, affirmations and coaching to get you to the next best you.





My approach

I observe my clients as art. I get the whole picture and I get the details. Your blood tests, your ancestral heritage and I come up with a precise analysis of your situation.

I see who you were and who you could be.

Depending on your motivation I make you some suggestions and you decide on what you want me to work on.

The more audacious the will, the more exciting it gets.

I see the best next you and will show it to you too.

My approach

I see every client as art and how I can restaurate it. There is deep respect for the core and a vision of the future you.

Energy medicine

I have always been a fast-learner not afraid to use new tools and technologies for my profession. So I am also in the field of energy medicine and distance healing.

Less side effects more quality of life

While I follow the latest in medicine I built my knowledge in an ancient art of Chinese medicine and Chinese Materia Medica, which have a lot to offer in terms of less side effects (if any) and where standard medicine doesn’t catch the disease in formation.
When antibiotics get less and less effective,
TCM is a solid alternative.

Care even from a distance

I have studied Communication Sciences as well so being one of those technology geeks always wanting the last model or the weirdest new gadget I naturally have made that step also in my profession. I am able to offer you distance healing.

Come On In

Treat Yourself to a Session and get insights into your core being.